Further reading on the Michigan cases:
Below are newspaper articles, journal articles, and web links for futher reading on the Michigan cases. Click on the headlines below to read the article.
- Bradley, Ed, Negative About Affirmative Action? 60 Minutes, CBS News, October 29, 2000
- Bray, Thomas, Race Preferences Made Permanent Detroit News, December 20, 2000
- Bray, Thomas, Soft Bigotry Wins Two in Court Wall Street Journal Opinion Journal, December 19, 2000
- Cohen, Carl, Race Preference and the Universities,Commentary Magazine, September 8, 2001
- Cohen, Carl, Winks, Nods, Disguises-and Racial PreferenceCommentary Magazine, September 1, 2003
- Connerly,Ward, The Michigan Civil Rights Act: A Racial Privacy Initiative, National Review Online, July 8, 2003
- Coulter, Ann, Racial Profiling In University Admissions Human Events Online, April 5, 2001)
- Dalmia, Shikha, The Diversity Defense, The Weekly Standard March 28, 2001
- Diversity stymied, Editorial, The Washington Post, November29, 2004
- Dobbs, Michael, Universities Record Drop in Black AdmissionsThe Washington Post, November 22, 2004
- George, Maryanne, Minority Enrollment Bounces Back at UMDetroit Free Press, June7, 2005.
- Greve, Michael, The Demise of Race-Based Admissions Policies Chronicle of Higher Education, March 19, 1999
- George, Maryanne, Students in U-M Case Seek Damages Detroit Free Press, December 10, 2004.
- Greve, Michael, A River Runs Dry, Policy Review, April 1,1999
- Greve, Michael, The Vanity of Diversity, Weekly Standard, July 20, 1998
- Hacker, Holly, A&M Pushing for Diversity Dallas Morning News, November 1, 2004
- Hentoff, Nat, So Much for Equal Protection The Washington Times, July 14, 2003
- Iannone, Carol, Affirmative Action’s Bard National Review, April 12, 2001
- Krauthammer, Charles, Affirmative Action Fails Again The Washington Post, July 13, 2001
- Kirsanow, Peter, Grutter: The Road to Further Litigation, National Review, July 7, 2003
- Kirsanow, Peter, Michigan Impossible, National Review Online, July 1, 2003
- Kirsanow, Peter, Still Unconstitutional National Review Online, September 30, 2003
- Lessenberry, Jack, What is Affirmative Action?, Detroit Metro Times, March 31, 1999
- Lowry, Richard, Quota U: Ann Arbor Shows its Colors National Review March 19, 2001
- Mauro, Tony, Stevens Offers an Inside Look, Legal Times, October 6, 2003
- McWhorter, John, Who Should Get into College?, City JournalNovember 30, 1999 (More of Prof McWhorter’s writings are avaiable here)
- Miller, John, Diversity D’oh, National Review, July 28, 2003
- Pell, Terence, Court Gives New Life to Quota Camouflage The Washington Post, June 27, 2003
- Pell, Terence, Does ‘diversity’ Justify Quotas? The Courts Say No. Wall Street Journal, December 24, 1998
- Pell, Terence, Is Judge Right on U-M Admissions Policy? Detroit News, Decebmer 17, 2000
- Rosman, Michael Uncertain Direction, Jurist Online, September 30 2003
- Schemo, Diana, Group Vows to Monitor Academia’s Responses The New York Times June 25, 2003
- Schmidt, Peter, A New Route to Racial Diversity Chronicle of Higher Education, January 28, 2005.
- Segal, David, D.C. Public Interest Law Firm Puts Affirmative Action on Trial The Washington Post, February 20, 1998
- Smith, Kenneth, Skin Color Bonus Washington TimesDecember 28, 2000
- Staff Writer, Poll: Voters Support Affirmative Action Ban, but it’s Confusing Associated Press, April 2, 2004
- Steele, Shelby, The Age of White Guilt: and the Disappearance of the Black Individual, Harper’s Magazine, November 30,1999.
- Steele, Shelby, A Victory for White Guilt, Wall Street Journal, June 28, 2003.
- Thernstrom, Stephen, Alamo in Ann Arbor, National Review, September 13,1999
- Weiss, Kenneth, Judge Halts Law School’s Racial Admission Policy Los Angeles Times, March 28, 2001
- Young,Cathy, Secrets and Lies Salon.com, April 28, 2001